‘What you did is just so alien to any decent person would even consider as right.
Transgender paramedic says patients have refused her help and spat at her Judge Everett added: ‘It was utterly vile, and what you did, and any right-thinking person would be sick at the thought of some of the material you downloaded on the internet, sick of the thought of your actions. These are appropriate descriptions for what you did.’ You say you feel physically sick about what it is you did. He said: ‘You described those actions as vile, you say how the public will be horrified and disgusted by that. Sentencing him to 12 years in prison for his ‘depraved’ and ‘disgusting’ offending, Judge Steven Everett stressed that every child in the haul of indecent images was a victim of sexual abuse.
Amongst his computer files was the footage of him setting up the hidden camera in the ceiling of the toilets of a café he ran at JTF Mega Discount Warehouse in Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent (Picture: SWNS)